It get’s better when we find our own place
Coming out, or “coming out of the closet” is the act of disclosing your sexual identity (gay, bi, asexual, queer, etc…) and/or gender identity (trans, gender non-confirming etc) to others. Coming out might also refer to telling people about other parts of yourself (violence, victories, experiences). For some guys, the motivation to come out is about finding relationships, while for others, it’s about claiming an identity that matches your values – what is clear, is the the motivation to come out is different from person to person!
For many, coming out is a milestone to celebrate! For others, it is a painful experience full of anxiety and stress. While coming out can help lead to a more fulfilling life, the period before and immediately after coming out can be among the most stressful experiences in a queer person’s life. What’s important to know, is that it’s not the same for everyone and no coming out story is the same!
In some cultures, coming out can create significant risk to life and well-being. In other communities and traditions, it’s more about re-claiming traditional roles within your community. Whether you come out to yourself, to a few friends, to your family, or to your entire social media circle; your coming our journey is your own.
HIM will be here for you no matter where you are! Our counselling programs can help you explore yourself, your values and create a space for you to speak freely and confidentially.