More Than Sex is a guide about queer sex, diverse bodies, health and our communities. It shares information to help navigate a queer world, learn about different kinds of sex, explore sexual health and pleasure, and start conversations about some of the forces and experiences that shape our lives as queer people.
More Than Sex is made available online so it can be accessed by anyone across BC and beyond. And HIM invites local community organizations, groups and individuals to share and promote this guide among the queer communities they serve.
Below are a number of open license graphics for social media and print along with some messages to help communicate about the different sections of More Than Sex.
For Online/Social Media:
Please feel free to use the resources and images below in your social media promotion and outreach:
More Than Sex is our guide to sex, pleasure and navigating a queer life
A comprehensive resource for queer sex, life and community
Find information about sex, intimacy, and pleasure
Learn about mental health and community wellbeing
Get tips and tricks on navigating queer world
Unpack consent, disclosure, and discrimination
Discover strategies and options for STI and HIV prevention
Uncover how society impacts our health
Sample Social Media Messages:
More Than Sex is a guide about queer sex, diverse bodies, health and our communities. It shares information to help navigate a queer world, learn about different kinds of sex, explore sexual health and pleasure, and start conversations about some of the forces and experience that shape our lives as queer people:
Keep exploring – Our guide to sex, pleasure and navigating a queer life.
Ever wish there was a guide to exploring queer spaces, understanding queer norms, and getting involved in community? More than Sex shares tips about having a fun night out at gay bars, discussion on how consent plays into sex and intimacy, and provides a space to learn about discrimination inside and outside of our communities:
Explore the ins and outs of all of the fun and satisfying ways we can be intimate with sexual partners and ourselves! Tips on giving an amazing rim job, the basics of fisting, making sure that hot anal session doesn’t end with more than we bargained for, and a lot more:
Today, many of us have options for tools that empower us to have fulfilling sex lives while taking care of our physical health, but it’s not always easy to know what option is best for us. More Than Sex explores these sexual health strategies as well as tips for communication and consent that contribute to more fun, intimacy, and enjoyment for all partners:
PrEP, PEP, physical barriers, contraceptives and more. What tools are best for us and our sex life? More Than Sex shares information to help us know our sexual health tools and strategies as well as tips for communication and consent that contribute to more fun, intimacy, and enjoyment for all partners:
Take a deep dive into exploring the forces and systems that affect our lives and well-being as queer people with More Than Sex:
Ever wonder how stigma, trauma, and stress are connected to being queer in a society that’s mostly heterosexual and cisgender impact us? Find out, and discover ways we can resist these forces and build stronger communities together with More Than Sex:
More Than Sex ( answers questions like: How are STIs, HIV and Hep C transmitted from one person to another? What does it feel like when we have them, and how can we get them treated? And how about bacterial infections like BV? We’ll find all the information we’ve ever wanted including all the different ways we can prevent and treat all of these.
Get connected to organizations across BC that offer queer-friendly, tailored health and wellness services, including social connection. Visit More Than Sex guide:
For Print
Please feel free to download, print and distribute these tabloid-size posters as needed. Posters are provided in printable PDF format:
For Media Inquiries
For inquiries, press releases and interviews, please contact: [email protected].
More Than Sex in the Media
All Points West with Kathryn Marlow
An interview with CBC Listen’s Kathryn Marlow featuring HIM’s own Simon Rayek – Program Manager, Health Promotion to discuss More Than Sex.
An article following an interview with Simon Rayek – Program Manager, Health Promotion at HIM discussing More Than Sex resource on National HIV Testing Day 2021.
‘More Than Sex’ aims to help GBT2Q men in the North
An interview with CKPG News’ Oli Herrera featuring HIM’s own Simon Rayek – Program Manager, Health Promotion to discuss More Than Sex, testing nights in Northern BC and new Home Testing options for HIV.