Give a Major Gift to HIM

By giving a major gift you’ll be providing HIM with extraordinary support which will enable us start new projects or expand existing initiatives. Major gifts allow HIM’s mission to gain independence from limited or restricted funding, so that we invest in new and daring programming that isn’t currently funded.

What’s a Major Gift?

A Major Gift is a substantial financial donation made to support a specific project or to support the generation operations of an organization. HIM considers any donation that is $1,500 and above to be a Major Gift (includes monthly donations of $125 and above). 

Why Give a Major Gift?

By giving a Major Gift to HIM, you’ll be creating opportunities for HIM to make rapid decisions and pivot to address program and operational needs, which are typically difficult due to budgetary limitations. You will also be allowing HIM to seize unplanned opportunities that maximize outreach and impact without being hindered by the limitations of our financial resources.

Become a Major Gift Donor

If you would like to make a major gift donation to HIM, we would love to hear from you and help you facilitate your donation. Please click here to connect with us.